Mounting NFS

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Mounting a QNAP NAS

There is somewhere a bug in the QNAP NFS server implementation (Firmware 3.5.2)

if some file has 520 or greater as gid, normal user different from owner can't access it

Mounting a QNAP NAS from SUN Solaris 10 with NFS

There is somewhere a bug between the QNAP NFS server implementation (Firmware 3.1.0 Build 0627T) and the Sun Solaris 10 Client.

If (as root on the Solaris 10 server) you type a normal mount command:

  • mount qnapserver:/share /localdirectory you get the error Not owner

To work around this bug you have to lower the NFS version number with an extra option on the command line. Default Sun Solaris 10 works with NFS version 4 and you must go back to version 3 to get it working. On the commandline this is:

  • mount -o vers=3 qnapserver:/share /localdirectory

With firmware 3.3.6 this bug is gone.

Mounting a QNAP NAS from Redhat Linux

From linux type the command:

  • mount -t cifs //ip_of_NAS/NAS_share /local_directory -o user=NFS_User_Name ... (this is a SMB mount command)

To use a real NFS mount you have to set squash option to all_squash ... see picture in interface

Option selection step by step for QNAP TS-453D (from Jan. 6th, 2022)

... than you can use

  • mount -t nfs -o user IP_of_NAS:/NAS_share /local_directory

Mounting a QNAP NAS from Ubuntu

See Mounting an NFS share on Ubuntu.

Mounting a QNAP NAS from Mac OS X

See Mounting an NFS share from OS X.

Mount the QNAP NAS at boot time

If you want to mount the QNAP NAS at boot time on the Solaris 10 server than you have to put this option in the /etc/vfstab file. This file must have a line that looks like this:

  • qnapserver:/share   -   /localdirectory   nfs   -   yes   bg,vers=3

--Kees 19:15, 5 July 2009 (CST)