Q-Sims - Upgrading

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by AdNovea - June 2009
Q-Sims Homepage

Backup / Restore

RTENOTITLE IMPORTANT: Frequently backup your databases.

When Q-Sims is enabled, there is a daily backup of the database performed and the latest 15 (by default, can be changed into qsims.sh) backup files are kept.
Database backups are performed every day and can also be run from a console (no backup performed if the daily archive already exists):

# cd /share/xxx_DATA/.qpkg/QSims
# ./qsims backup

RTENOTITLE WARNING: because the database structure may change between OpenSim simulator updates, your database archives may become unusable! In such a situation, you may have to consider a database migration if this is managed by the upgrade.

SQLite database

Each day (assuming Q-Sims is Enabled), a backup of the SQLite database files located into the QSims/bin/*db is done. Archive files are located under the QSims/backup/sqlite folder and rename under 20xx-mm-dd_dbname.db:

  • Asset.db (in Private grid mode only)
  • inventoryStore.db (in Private grid mode only)
  • LocalUserStatistics.db
  • OpenSim.db
  • userprofiles.db (in Private grid mode only)

Restore an archive file

To restore, overwrite previous database files with the archived ones.

MySQL database

The data are stored into a MySQL database.

  • Each day (assuming Q-Sims is Enabled), a backup of the MySQL database is performed. The archive file named as 20yy-mm-dd_QSims.sql.tgz is saved under the QSims/backup/mysql folder.
  • Your database can be manually backuped using phpMyAdmin.

Restore an archive file

To restore an automatically archived database file, open a SSH console, change directory to the QSims root directory and restore the selected archive as shown in the example below:

# cd /share/xxx_DATA/.qpkg/QSims
# ./qsims.sh restore ../backup/20yy-mm-dd_QSims.sql.tgz
  • Enter yes to start restoration

Backup / Restore from the OpenSim console

To save and load data for each region in the OAR format (OpenSim Archive). This is very helpful to save/restore changes of a specific regions during building.
See also OpenSim console.

  • Open a SSH console
  • List all the running process (screen -list)
  • Open the screen console of the xxx.OpenSim process (screen -r xxx.OpenSim)

Save region into OAR file

We assume your region to be OpenTest and the file to be saved into the /backup folder.

Region (<region_name>)# change region OpenTest
Region (OpenTest)# save oar ../backup/20yy-mm-dd_OpenTest.oar

Restore region from an OAR file

Region (<region_name>)# change region OpenTest
Region (OpenTest)# load oar ../backup/20yy-mm-dd_OpenTest.oar

RTENOTITLE NOTE: Because we had some troubles to restore OAR files between different OpenSim versions, we do recommend to also save each of your regions into XML2 format files using:

change region OpenTest
save xml2 ../backup/20yy-mm-dd_OpenTest.xml2

The terrains are not saved into the XML format files therefore you must save each of your terrains. There are many options (extensions) for terrain formats (R32, RAW, JPG, BMP, PNG, TIF, TER, etc...). To save the terrain of the selected region use:
change region OpenTest
terrain save ../backup/20yy-mm-dd_OpenTest.r32

You must also save your inventory which is located on the Inventory server (OSGrid server is your are running your grid on OSGrid).

Save Inventory into IAR file

Region (<region_name>)# change region OpenTest
Region (OpenTest)# save iar <user name> <path> <password> ../backup/20yy-mm-dd_Inventory.iar

NOTE: To save the whole inventory set the path value to /*

OAR and IAR files are archive files that can be open using the WinRAR tool for example.

QS-Manager backup

QS-Manager automatically saved the configuration files generated by the QSA (Quick Start Assistant). We urge you to run the QSA whenever you want to reconfigure Q-Sims.
The following files are saved under the /backup directory:

  • OpenSim & UGAIM servers configuration files (to be restored into QSims/bin):
  • /bin/OpenSim.ini
  • /bin/estate_settings.xml
  • /bin/AssetServer_Config.xml
  • /bin/GridServer_Config.xml
  • /bin/InventoryServer_Config.xml
  • /bin/MessagingServer_Config.xml
  • /bin/UserServer_Config.xml

  • Regions configuration files (to be restored into QSims/bin/Regions):
  • /regions/Regions.ini
  • /regions/default.xml (old OpenSim version)
  • /regions/yyyyyy.xml - any XML region files (old OpenSim version)

  • QS-Manager configuration file (to be restored into QSims/web/qsmanager/settings)

('xxxx=qsmanager for Q-Sims FULL Edition and xxxx=qsm_lite for Q-Sims LITE Edition):

  • /settings/config.php

  • FreeSwitch configuration file for Voice Chat [1] (to be restored into freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs):
  • /settings/xml_curl.conf.xml

[1] Only if FreeSwitch is available


Because OpenSim is in constant evolution, they are continuous new versions released.
OpenSim is under SVN management for people who are willing to recompile the code themselves.
Q-Sims deals only with the compiled code version of OpenSim (because SVN links may be subject to change, please have a look at the OpenSim forum)

WARNING: We are NOT committed to provide compiled version of the OpenSim releases nor responsible for release incompatibilities or bugs. Please check the OpenSim website for binary files and post on the appropriate forums.

OpenSim manual upgrade

  • Download the new binary archive (the same version works for both Windows and Linux. Mono is doing the work under Linux)
  • Save the configuration, regions and database files mentioned above
    with Q-Sims FULL Edition, during the installation, QS-Manager has already saved a copy of the configuration files under /backup folders, but don't rely too much on it
  • Extract the /bin folder from the OpenSim archive and Overwrite the /share/xxx_DATA/.qpkg/QSims/bin folder with it.
  • Restore your previously saved files
  • Open a SSH console and start OpenSim into it
# cd /share/xxx_DATA/.qpkg/QSims
# chmod -R 777 bin
# cd bin
# mono OpenSim.exe

In Grid mode (Private Grid), you shall start first the UGAIM servers if any.

  • Check the correct pace of the operations
  • WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT... until all scripts are loaded, storing performed and eventually database migration completed.
    Lauching a viewer before the end of the process may end with a crash due to incomplete setup (see in the Troubleshooting section the queuing constraints).

QS-Manager manual upgrade

  • Download the new archive
  • Save your QSims/web/xxxx/settings/conf.php file ('xxxx=qsmanager for Q-Sims FULL Edition and xxxx=qsm_lite for Q-Sims LITE Edition)
  • Overwrite the qsmanager folder with the archive files
  • Restore your previously saved file (config.php has also been saved in backup/settings during the installation and shall be restored into the /web/qsmanager/settings folder).