A computer pointing device like a mouse placed on a flat surface is well suited to move a cursor on a screen. Neverthess, the management of the third dimension requires some combined actions to perform the correct movements.
In 3D environments, the distinction is made between the avatar movement and the camera position shooting the current scene. Whereas your avatar may stay fix, the camera can move around to offer a complete different point of view. The user shall deal with both the avatar movementAND the camera position.
There are also capabilities:
to fly (use of the 3rd dimension).
for Teleportation (jump from one location, region or grid to another). Teleportation between grids is available thanks to the Hypergrid functionality.
Two controls panels can be displayed on the viewer screen [1]. From the top menu bar, select View and check Camera controls and/or Movement controls.
[1] The 3D area that display the scene is also referred as the HDU - Head Display Unit.
The straight arrow pointing to the left moves your avatar left
The straight arrow pointing to the right moves your avatar right
The straight arrow pointing up moves your avatar forward
The straight arrow pointing down moved the avatar backwards. If your avatar backs into a wall, you may lose sight of it and see the wall instead.
The striped arrow pointing up enables your avatar to move up.
The striped arrow pointing down enables the avatar to crouch down.
The twisted arrow pointing left rotates the view so that the avatar is now looking to the left. It does not change the avatar’s position.
The twisted arrow pointing right rotates the view so that the avatar is now looking to the right. It does not change the avatar’s position.
F for toggling back and forth between Flying / Walking. Note that You can press more than one key at a time.
You can also hold down the left mouse button down after a click and move the mouse over a different icon to change the movement.
"Ctrl=R" for toggling back and forth between Walking / Running.
All controls can be done using your mouse and the keyboard. It will take few minutes to get used to play with all the combinations but once done, you will end with a very flexible control of the scene and avatar displacements.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Moving Around:
Handling the Camera:
Making Things:
W/S (or U/D arrow) : Walk Forward/backward
A/D (or L/R arrow) : Turn L/R
F (or Home) : Fly Mode
E/C (or PgUp/PgDn) : Fly Up/Down
Spacebar (hold down) : Slow down
Ctrl+R : Run Mode
M : Mouselook mode
Mouselook+A/D (or L/R arrow) : Strafe L/R
Mouselook+Flying+W/S (or U/D arrow) : Fly in direction you're facing
Mouselook+Flying+E/C (or PgUp/PgDn) : Move vertically relative to view
Esc : Reset view, chat, mouselook
Alt+left-click : Focus on an object/avatar
Alt+drag (or W/S/A/D, or arrows) : Orbit L/R and Zoom Camera
Ctrl+Alt+drag (or W/S/A/D, or arrows) : Orbit Camera
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+drag (or W/S/A/D, or arrows) : Pan Camera
Ctrl+0 : Zoom In
Ctrl+8 : Zoom Out
Ctrl+9 : Reset Zoom
Mouselook+Mouse : Turn avatar and view together
B : Build Mode
Ctrl+1 : Focus
Ctrl+2: Move
Ctrl+3: Edit
Ctrl+4 : Create
Ctrl+5 : Land
Shift and Drag : Copy object in edit
Ctrl+Z : Undo (once while in edit)
Ctrl+L : Link (selected objects in edit)
Ctrl+Shift+L : Unlink (selected objects in edit)
Ctrl+U : Upload Image
Ctrl+Shift+3 : Texture Console
Ctrl+Alt+T : Highlight Transparent
Finding Things:
Using the Display:
Ctrl+F : Search
Ctrl+Shift+F : Friends
Ctrl+Shift+M : Mini Map
Ctrl+M : World Map
Ctrl+I : Inventory
F1 : Help
Ctrl+Shift+S : Snapshot
Ctrl+` : Snapshot to Disk
Ctrl+Shift+A : Movie
Ctrl+Alt+1 : Hide/Show UI
Ctrl+Alt+D : Open/Close Debug menu
Ctrl+Shift+1 : Sim Stats
Ctrl+P : Preferences
Enter : Chat
Ctrl+H : Chat History
Ctrl+T : Instant Message
Ctrl+Enter : Shout
/me : Start emote
/ : Start gesture
Ctrl+G : Gestures
/0 : Typing animation off
Teleportation enables instant move faster than walking, running or even flying with your avatar to one region on the grid.
Click the Map button on the viewer bottom, use the Search to find the region on the map or double click the point to teleport your avatar directly on the map. Click the Teleport button to proceed.
To find location on the grid, you can also use the Search engine (Search button on the bottom of the viewer).
See also the teleportation between grids thanks to the Hypergrid functionality.